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BTS Wiki

Hi everyone, today I want to find some similarities between BTS members with some of my favorite anime characters (even some of them are too forced to be compared tbh). So, let's get started!


RM = Ash Lynx (Banana Fish; 17/18 y.o.)[]


Among the anime characters, I choose Ash Lynx from Banana Fish for RM. Because what? Yeah, because many similarities about them of course that are:

a. The Genius with Highest IQ Badasses[]

Both of them are so genius with their own IQs. RM has IQ to 148, while Ash's IQ is more shocking, 180, then later 200 (I know that it's just a fiction but, WTF?!). So, both of them are categorized as Genius/Superior IQ because their IQs are more than 140.

Not only that, they are genius in their own way. RM is genius about music, especially creating the songs and rapping, while Ash is genius about, sorry... assasination, especially shooting and combat (yeah, you know what happened to him, OK? It's too tragic).

b. Young Yet Mature Middlest Men[]

Yes, RM is the middlest among the members. Too young to be the leader, but too old to be the maknae (LOL!!!). In the point, he is the most middle by age, which is why he deserves to be a leader for his hyungs and maknaes. Among the seven favorite anime characters which I compare to them, Ash is also the middlest among them if you notice the anime charas' ages in the each title. Idk why? Is it only coincidence or is it fate? Who knows? Overall, they are different but the same.

c. Strong Leaderships[]

As what I said before, both have strong leaderships in their own group/gangs who some are older than him. Even they seems to be charismatic leader for their group.

d. Punk yet Elegant Man.[]

As you can see, they can be like a punk but at the same time they can be elegant men in their own way.

e. Have Some 'Whipped' for the Guy Who are Two Years Older Than Themselves[]

You can interpret it if they have relationship platonically or romantically as long as you know the limits and ethics, but in the case I see Namjin (RM x Jin) have some vibes with Asheiji (Ash Lynx x Eiji Okumura) especially for the leaders who need someone to be the companions who understand them and also to be the anchors for them. Example, RM needs Jin to be with him during interview, they eat together to discuss everything they need to, and so on. In Banana Fish, Ash needs Eiji by his side to accompany him when Ash has some conflict to himself. Coincidentally, both Namjin and Asheiji' age difference is the same two years ago which is... WOW! Amazing!!!! Literally, Namjin is Asheiji in the real life version but in the light world (unlike the anime which full of dark criminal world). YEAY!!!

See you next time for the continuation of this blog. I will edit them again.[]

Jin =  Richard Ranashinha De Vulpian (The Case Files of Jeweler Richard; 28 y.o.)[]


Don't get me wrong! They also have the similarities, just like RM-Ash.

a. The Eldest and The Wisest = Manner-Dol[]

Richard is the oldest among the anime characters I chose, I pick him to compare him with Jin as both of them are the eldest. As the eldest, they act wiser than the others. Also, about the manner and the morale, both Richard and Jin have the best manner during their interaction with the people and have no doubt to teach the youngsters to have the good manner too.

Suga = Kamba Takakura (Mawaru Penguindrum; 16 y.o.)[]



J-Hope = Victor Nikiforov (Yuri!!! on Ice; 27 y.o.)[]



Jimin = Ritsuka Uenoyama  (Given; 16 y.o.)[]



V = Daisuke Kambe (Millionaire Detective Balance: UNLIMITED; 27 y.o.)[]



Jungkook = Toi Kuji (Sarazanmai; 14 y.o.)[]


