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'The Truth Untold: 전하지 못한 진심' is the first solo exhibition by Jimin of BTS. It captures the deep dive into the untold stories behind Jimin’s solo mini albums, FACE and MUSE.


FACE captured Jimin’s sincere emotions as he asked himself questions whose answers resonated around the world. Following this, MUSE expressed his journey to find the inspiration surrounding him, which was presented as a fragrant serenade in Smeraldo Garden.[1]

"Smeraldo" means "The Untold Truth" in the language of flowers. This exhibition chronicles the untold stories of Jimin’s musical journey, a masterpiece sprung from the seed of self-reflection and now flowering in full bloom.[2] Follow his footsteps as he navigates through the struggles and introspection of a solo artist, ultimately arriving at a beautiful flower garden.[3]


Start date End date City Country Venue Attendance
October 11, 2024 November 3, 2024 Seoul South Korea-Flagicon South Korea Myeongdong 8na-gil, Jung-gu, LeMERIDIEN moxy Building 1-2F [4]


