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Flower Crew (꽃놀이패) is a South Korean travel-reality show, the regular show starred Seo Jang-hoon, Ahn Jung-hwan, Jo Se-ho, Yoo Byung-jae, Kang Seung-yoon (WINNER) and Lee Sung-jae.

The show received a mixed response with its pilot episodes that first aired on V LIVE and later on SBS. After the live pilot show, viewers criticized members Jo Se-ho and Seo Jang-hoon for their rude behavior towards Jung Kook and Kim Min-seok, such as rejecting the hamburgers Jung Kook bought for the entire cast and saying that Jung Kook prepared leftovers for them and criticizing Kim Min-seok for "stuffing his face" when he accepted the food.[1] Jo Se-ho and Seo Jang-hoon later apologized and said the situation was a misunderstanding.[2]

Jung Kook was a cast member in the pilot episodes; however, he left the show.[3]



Only are listed the episodes with Jung Kook as cast member.

1 File:Flower Crew Ep 1.jpg Pilot Episode 1
July 15, 2016
2 File:Flower Crew Ep 2.jpg Pilot Episode 2
July 16, 2016


