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BTS Wiki
BTS Wiki

List for BTS' discography as a group.


Studio albums[]

BTS currently has eight studio albums, four in Korean and four in Japanese.

Anthology albums[]

BTS currently has one anthology album in Korean.

Best albums[]

BTS currently has four best albums, the four were released in the Japanese market but two are in Korean-language.

Mini albums[]

BTS currently has seven mini albums in Korean.


BTS currently has four digital EPs in English.

Repackages albums[]

BTS currently has two repackages albums in Korean.

Special albums[]

BTS currently has two special albums in Korean.

Single albums[]

BTS currently has twelve single albums[n 8], one in Korean, ten in Japanese and one in English.

Soundtrack albums[]

BTS currently has one soundtrack album.


Digital singles[]

BTS currently has nine digital singles, three in Korean, one in Chinese, two in Japanese and three in English.



Remix singles[]

BTS currently has remix singles, in Korean, in Japanese and in English.


  1. Digital only.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Korean-language album.
  3. This album wasn't label as studio or mini album in promotions but due its length the album is listed as mini album.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Replaced with 'Dynamite (DayTime Version)'.
  5. Formerly as 'Dynamite (Deluxe)'
  6. This album is label as the '2nd special album' in their official website but has the format of a repackage album.
  7. This album is label as 'repackage album' in their official website but has the format of a special album.
  8. Called simply as singles in Japan.
  9. Known digitally as 'Butter / Permission to Dance'
  10. 10.0 10.1 Replaced with 'Butter (Hotter, Sweeter, Cooler)'.

