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BTS Wiki
BTS Wiki

Chapter 1: Reflection of Youth[1] is a series of musical eras made up of the first nine years of BTS' career as a group, encompassing the eras School Trilogy, Most Beautiful Moment in Life Trilogy, Wings Era, Love Yourself, Map of the Soul, Dynamite Trilogy, BE Era and Anthology Era.

The primary focus being around the reflection of youth and their original story, BTS Universe which connects the eras of Most Beautiful Moment in Life Trilogy, Wings Era, Love Yourself and Map of the Soul.

This is the first chapter of the BTS Chronicle.


After the School Trilogy, Most Beautiful Moment in Life Trilogy, Wings Era and Love Yourself eras, Map of the Soul along with the BTS Map of the Soul Tour were meant to be their last era in their Chapter 1, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, "Dynamite" and BE were released. Both releases also were meant to be the last era, but due to the good results, more singles were released following the "Dynamite concept", consequently forming the Dynamite Trilogy; Proof is their last album of the series.[2][3]



Era Main Releases
1. Dynamite Trilogy
BTS Butter Album Version 1
Dynamite Cover (Daytime) 1. "Dynamite"
Butter Cover 2. "Butter"
Butter Album Cover 3. "Permission to Dance"

