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BTS Wiki

BTS WORLD (Original Soundtrack) is the soundtrack album by BTS for their Netmarble mobile game BTS World. It was released on June 28, 2019 with "Heartbeat" serving as the album's title track. This soundtrack album is not considered as part of their official Korean discography, as it is released in order to promote their aforementioned official game.

This album was the fifth best-selling album of 2019 in South Korea.[1]


  • Normal Edition [CD+Photobook+Random Photocard+Game Coupon+Lenticular]
  • Limited Edition Package [CD+Photobook+Random Photocard+Game Coupon+Lenticular+Manager ID Case+Manager ID Card+8 Story Cards+8 Magnets] (August 29, 2019)


  1. Heartbeat Title
  2. Dream Glow (song by Jin, Jimin and Jung Kook with Charli XCX)
  3. A Brand New Day (song by j-hope and V with Zara Larsson)
  4. All Night (song by RM and SUGA with Juice WRLD)
  5. Captain (Namjun Theme)
  6. Cake Waltz (Jimin Theme)
  7. Shine (Yunki Theme)
  8. Not Alone (Jeongguk Theme)
  9. Friends (Hoseok Theme)
  10. Wish (Seok Jin Theme)
  11. Flying (Taehyung Theme)
  12. 라라라 (LaLaLa) (by OKDAL) (Digital Version only)
  13. 니가 있어 (You Are Here) (by Lee Hyun) (Digital Version only)
  14. 니가 있어 (Orchestra Ver.) (Inst.) (by Lee Hyun) (Digital Version only)





