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BTS Wiki

BTS Universe Story (BTS 유니버스 스토리) was a sandbox styled mobile game developed by Netmarble inspired in the BTS Universe which was originally going to be released worldwide on Apple Store and Google Play on October 29, 2020, but later moved to September 24, 2020.[1]

On August 23, 2023, the game announced that will be ending its service on September 22, 2023.[2]


The game was teased on August 21, 2019. In early 2020, Netmarble announced the release to be between July and September.[3]

On August 4, 2020, the Smeraldo Books Twitter launched a new hashtag for the game, leading to the game's official Twitter posting a teaser.[4] On August 13, 2020, a new teaser video has been released alongside the official website.[5] Both the Twitter and website showcase the boys as silhouettes, where they reveal SeokJin on the first day and the rest the following days.

On August 18, 2020, the game became available for pre-registration, with the gifts being an exclusive outfit set of the boys.[6]

On August 20, 2020, Netmarble opens recruitment for writers for the game.[7] Applications closed on August 26[8] and selected on August 31.[9]


The game is a sandbox-type game, where players can create their own stories which they could share and freely communicate with others.[10] From the launch of the game, stories are available made by the recruited writers before the release. Episodes of stories can be read at the cost of tickets, but early access to next episodes require jewels instead. The main BTS Universe story is titled "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: I'm Fine" where the first two stories are free to play (without tickets), with updates coming at scheduled times. Players can also collect outfits and themes by draw at the cost of jewels.



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