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BTS Wiki

BTS PROM PARTY -RE;VIEW & PRE;VIEW- was BTS's third event celebrating their anniversary. This event was broadcast live on V LIVE for those who bought it.

In the VOD version Jimin and Jungkook's dance cover was deleted due to copyright issues.

Set List[]

  1. "2nd Grade" (2학년) (5th Grade ver.)
  2. "Butterfly"
  3. "Whalien 52"
  4. "It's Definitely You" (죽어도 너야) (by Jin and V)
  5. "Black or White" (Dance Cover) (by Jimin and Jungkook)
  6. "DDaeng" (땡) (by Suga, J-Hope and RM)
  7. "Anpanman" (BT21 Debut Stage)
  8. "Pied Piper"
  9. "FAKE LOVE"
  10. "Boyz with Fun" (흥탄소년단)
  11. "Best of Me"

Event Dates[]

Date City Country Venue Attendance
June 13, 2018 Seoul South Korea-Flagicon South Korea Blue Square Hall 1,400


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