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BTS Exhibition: 24/7=Serendipity (Five, Always) was the second exhibition by BTS. It focuses on arts related to the song "Whalien 52", from group's fourth mini album, The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt.2, to tell the story of the meeting between BTS and ARMY.[1]

The exhibition was presented in South Korea, China and United States, between 2018 and 2019.


"Five, Always" (stylized as "오, 늘 (O, Neul)" in Korean), is a expression that also translates to "today". This is elaborate on by the slogan: "Today that connects the past and the future".[2] The comma between the two signs allows all the meanings to be considered. Concerning the international title, "24/7=Serendipity", it’s a combination of two BTS's songs: "24/7=Heaven" from Dark & Wild and "Intro: Serendipity" from Love Yourself: Her.

The theme of this exhibition this time is to revisit everything BTS accomplished since debut and to look forward to the future. Thus the subtitle "The past and the future connect today". The fans saw a unique behind-the-scenes look at the band, including photographs, videos, images, memories from group's tours took throughout their career and precious items on display.[3]


"BTS EXHIBITION: 24/7 = Serendipity (오,늘)" is intended to vividly display the BTS’s past, present, and future for fans to experience. The exhibition was feature displays showcasing the band’s journey and behind-the-scenes moments on the road. It was promises to offer a glimpse of offstage moments in the life of the boys and their journey together with ARMY.


Start date End date City Country Venue Attendance
August 25, 2018 October 28, 2018 Seoul South Korea-Flagicon South Korea ARA Art Center [4]
March 23, 2019 April 23, 2019 Guangzhou China-Flagicon China 289 Art & Creative Park
June 7, 2019 July 7, 2019 New York City USA-Flagicon United States Motif Studios 588
August 1, 2019 August 15, 2019 Los Angeles The Reef 1933 S Broadway




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