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BTS American Hustle Life (방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬 라이프) is a reality show of BTS broadcasted on Mnet. It premiered on July 24, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. KST.

The show features BTS members, they were thinking they were going to the US to travel for a new album, but they found out they were training with their new hip-hop tutors, Coolio, Tony Jones and Warren G.


Main Cast

  • RM (as Rap Monster (랩몬스터)) (Episodes 1–8)
  • Jin (진) (Episodes 1–8)
  • SUGA (슈가) (Episodes 1–8)
  • j-hope (제이홉) (Episodes 1–8)
  • Jimin (지민) (Episodes 1–8)
  • V (뷔) (Episodes 1–8)
  • Jung Kook (정국) (Episodes 1–8)

Supporting Cast

  • Tony Jones (Episodes 1–8)
  • Nate Walka (Episodes 1–8)
  • Coolio (Episodes 1–2)
  • Dante Evans (Episodes 1–2)
  • Jenny Kita (Episodes 3, 8)
  • Warren G (Episodes 4–5)
  • Jewel (Episodes 5–6)
  • Victoria (Episodes 5–6)
  • Christina (Episodes 5–6)
  • Bang Si-hyuk (Episode 1)
  • Faahz (Episode 6)
  • Joe "Jolee" Lee (Episode 6)
  • Iris (Episode 6)
  • Candy (Episode 7)
  • Robiner (Episode 7)


1 BTS AHL Ep.1 BTS American Hustle Life Episode 1
(방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬라이프 1회)
July 24, 2014
The members fly to LA without know about their training with Coolio to learn about Hip-hop.
2 BTS AHL Ep.2 BTS American Hustle Life Episode 2
(방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬라이프 2회)
July 31, 2014
Divided as three teams, they do differents performances trying to conquer LA citizens.
3 BTS AHL Ep.3 BTS American Hustle Life Episode 3
(방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬라이프 3회)
August 7, 2014
They have a Hip-hop dance lesson with Jenny Kita, after that they have a dance battle.
4 BTS AHL Ep.4 BTS American Hustle Life Episode 4
(방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬라이프 4회)
August 14, 2014
They are divided as three teams and practice for a dance battle.
5 BTS AHL Ep.5 BTS American Hustle Life Episode 5
(방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬라이프 5회)
August 21, 2014
They have a BBQ with Warren G and later with the same teams made before, they looking girls for their MV.
6 BTS AHL Ep.6 BTS American Hustle Life Episode 6
(방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬라이프 6회)
August 28, 2014
They learn about dance, beatbox and music with special guests.
7 BTS AHL Ep.7 BTS American Hustle Life Episode 7
(방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬라이프 7회)
September 4, 2014
They work hard all day for win money, but don't know they will have buy food to the vagabonds with that money.
8 BTS AHL Ep.8 BTS American Hustle Life Episode 8
(방탄소년단의 아메리칸 허슬라이프 8회)
September 11, 2014
Their last mission is writing a song for Warren G and they say goodbye to LA with a concert.



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