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BTS 4th Muster: Happy Ever After was BTS's 4th Muster fan club event. It took place from January 13, 2018 to January 14, 2018 in South Korea.

The DVD was released on October 31, 2018 and eventually, the Blu-ray on November 21, 2018.

Set List[]

# Song Performed by
VCR: Curious Incident in ARMY BOMB
1. "24/7 = Heaven" BTS
2. "Like pt.1 + pt.2"* BTS
Talk: The Corner of ARMY BOMB Memory
Talk: The best costume ever
3. "I Need U" BTS
VCR: The best costume ever
4. "Come Back Home" BTS
5. "No More Dream" BTS
6. "MIC Drop" BTS
VCR: ARMY BOMB, in Trouble
Talk: Inside Out
7. "21st Century Girl"
8. "Go Go"
9. "DNA"
VCR: Guardians of the ARMY BOMB
10. "Pied Piper"
11. "Best Of Me"
VCR: Ending Credit

*Pt.2 is the Korean version.

Event Date[]

Date City Country Venue Attendance
January 13, 2018 Seoul South Korea-Flagicon South Korea Gocheok Sky Dome 40,000
January 14, 2018



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