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BTS Wiki
BTS Wiki
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This article focuses on the BE Era.
For the studio album, see BE.

BE Era is overall the seventh era and the sixth Korean-language era of BTS' career. It started on November 20, 2020 with their first self-directed album and fifth studio album BE and officially finished on November 29, 2020 with "Life Goes On" - like an arrow music video.

BE and "Dynamite" (originally part of this era) was meant to be the closure era for their Chapter 1, but due to good results and the coronavirus pandemic more singles following the Dynamite concept was released, in consequent the Dynamite Trilogy and PROOF became their closure album.[1]

This era is the seventh part of the Chapter 1: Reflection of Youth and the seventh part of the BTS Chronicle.



BE Album Cover


  • BE: Our emotions are in turmoil, but the message is clear: Though the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it feelings of helplessness wrapped in fear and uncertainty, we can still prevail.[2]


List of content released in this series.

Title Type Released
BE Mini album November 20, 2020
'Life Goes On' Official MV Music video
'Life Goes On' Official MV - on my pillow Music video November 21, 2020
'Life Goes On' Official MV - in the forest Music video November 25, 2020
'Life Goes On' Official MV - like an arrow Music video November 29, 2020


List of events promoting the releases from this era.




